What Happens at a Home Inspection


The homebuyer is encouraged to attend the home inspection. At the conclusion of the Home Inspection , the inspector will review the complete inspection with the client and , where possible, show the client some of the main items and concerns from the report.  We are also happy to answer any questions about any problems or defects that may be discovered or to discuss potential desired changes or improvements or upgrades.

The home inspector’s service to the client is primarily one of education. The goal of home inspector is to provide the client with a better understanding of the physical condition of the home and what repairs or improvements may be needed. After the inspection is completed, a written report is prepared for the homebuyer, documenting the results of the inspection. This will then be emailed or uploaded for the Client to review. If the client has any questions or would like to clarify any items, they can either call or send an email which will be replied to as soon as possible.

The home inspection should not be confused with an appraisal, a municipal code inspection, an environmental audit, or a homeowner’s warranty.